Backpackers & Budget Travelers Guide to Costa Rica

Before I backpacked through Costa Rica and began planning my trip, I had difficulty finding a cohesive guide for backpackers. After sorting through several websites, talking with friends that had been before and even figuring it out as I went, I decided to do my best to create a fully cohesive guide for backpackers and budget conscious travelers in Costa Rica based on my trip.

Arriving in Costa Rica

Transportation is Costa Rica
Getting around Costa Rica is pretty simple as the country is one of the more developed in the region. Many companies offer fast shuttles that can take you directly to your destination, door to door, but come at a price. The alternative is to take the buses that cross the mountainous country.

The buses are extremely cheap however move quite slowly. Most of the buses I took were less than $5 USD but took several hours to reach my destination. Despite the slow speed, they are the favorite of budget backpackers and locals alike.

Most of the popular destinations have a bus stop and multiple buses a day. I recommend buying your ticket the day before at the counter. Unfortunately, if you don’t speak Spanish, it may be a process to do so. Just tell the person the name of the city and they can write down the times for you to point at.

Things to do in Costa Rica
Fortuna Waterfall
Tabacon River Hot Springs
Arenal Volcano National Park
-Hike along the aquamarine waters of Rio Celeste
-Canyoning in Monteverde
-Hike free trails near Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve
-Enjoy the surf at Playa Santa Teresa

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